- Thoughts for inspired living

How Different Are You? - Grasshopper

Our differences often define us and set us apart. But what if they’re the traits that move things forward rather than upsetting the apple cart?

Differences can be springboards to visions not seen.

Being together with like-minded people lends itself to making good friends. But it’s the different ideas of others that get us outside the comfort of our box. These type people are not in the mainstream and lead us away from the skim and towards the cream.

Reader’s Digest used to publish an article in their magazine titled “The Most Unforgettable Character I've Ever Met.” It got me to thinking . . .

The most unforgettable person I ever met was Dr. Dave Dobson. He was a cantankerous, old coot who didn’t give a hoot about mainstream psychology, even though he was a psychologist. He taught something he called “other than conscious communication.”

To say it was different would be a gross understatement. It was an eye-opening methodology of communicating on multiple levels. And the best news is it wasn’t theory; you could instantly verify the results. In fact, one of Dave’s favorite lines was “Theory is bullshit; defending your theory is bullshit squared.”

His different methods caused more insight into others and took the guesswork out of standard hypothesizing.

The purpose of this writing is not to get you to become a disciple to someone’s philosophy, but to recognize that differences can be the jump-off point to make giant leaps in a forward direction.

When you embrace differences, you widen your view as to what’s available to you.

All the best,

Hear the recorded version here.

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